4. Submit, monitor and debug calculations

In this section we’ll be learning how to create new data in AiiDA.

We will use the Quantum Espresso package to launch a simple density functional theory calculation of a silicon crystal using the PBE exchange-correlation functional and check its results. While we’re going to debug these issues ‘manually’ here, workflows (which you’ll encounter later in this tutorial) can help you avoid these issues systematically.

Note that besides the aiida-quantumespresso plugin, AiiDA comes with plugins for a range of other codes, all of which are listed in the AiiDA plugin registry.

4.1. Computer setup

In a production environment, AiiDA would typically be running on your work station or laptop, while launching calculations on remote high-performance compute resources that you have SSH access to. For this reason AiiDA has the concept of a Computer to run calculations on.

To keep things simple, Quantum ESPRESSO (together with several other ab initio codes) has been installed directly in the codes subfolder of your virtual machine, and you are going to launch your first calculations on the same computer where AiiDA is installed. Nevertheless, we’re now going to set up this computer for launching calculations:

verdi computer setup --config computer.yml

where computer.yml is a configuration file in the YAML format) that you can download here. This is its content:

description: "localhost"
label: "localhost"
hostname: "localhost"
transport: local
scheduler: "direct"
work_dir: "/home/max/.aiida_run"
mpirun_command: "mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}"
mpiprocs_per_machine: "2"
shebang: "#!/bin/bash"
prepend_text: " "
append_text: " "


When used without the --config option, verdi computer setup will prompt you for the required information, just like you have seen when setting up a profile. The configuration file should work for the virtual machine that comes with this tutorial but may need to be adapted when you are running AiiDA in a different environment, as explained in this appendix.

Finally, you need to provide AiiDA with information on how to access the Computer. For remote computers with ssh transport, this would involve e.g. an SSH key. For local computers, this is just a “formality” (press enter to confirm the default cooldown time):

verdi computer configure local localhost


For remote computers with ssh transport, use verdi computer configure ssh instead of verdi computer configure local.

Your localhost computer should now show up in

verdi computer list

Before proceeding, test that it works:

verdi computer test localhost

4.2. Code setup

Now that we have our localhost set up, let’s configure the Code, namely the pw.x executable. As with the computer, we have prepared a configuration file for you to download. This is its content:

label: "qe-6.3-pw"
description: "quantum_espresso v6.3"
input_plugin: "quantumespresso.pw"
on_computer: true
remote_abs_path: "/home/max/codes/q-e-90a2aa88298f5005b8ab8f5fcc354c5870481d68/bin/pw.x"
computer: "localhost"
prepend_text: "ulimit -s unlimited"
append_text: " "

Once you have the configuration file in your local working environment, set up the code:

verdi code setup --config code.yml


The configuration should work for the virtual machine that comes with this tutorial. If you are following this tutorial in a different environment, you will need to install Quantum ESPRESSO and adapt the configuration to your needs, as explained in this appendix.

Similar to the computers, you can list all the configured codes with:

verdi code list

Verify that it now contains a code named qe-6.3-pw that we just configured. You can always check the configuration details of an existing code using:

verdi code show qe-6.3-pw


The generic profile has already a number of other codes configured. See verdi -p generic code list.

4.3. The AiiDA daemon

First of all, check that the AiiDA daemon is actually running. The AiiDA daemon is a program that

  • runs continuously in the background

  • waits for new calculations to be submitted

  • transfers the inputs of new calculations to your compute resource

  • checks the status of your calculation at the compute resource, and

  • retrieves the results from the compute resource

Check the status of the daemon process by typing in the terminal:

verdi daemon status

If the daemon is running, the output should look like

Profile: default
Daemon is running as PID 2050 since 2019-04-30 12:37:12
Active workers [1]:
  PID    MEM %    CPU %  started
-----  -------  -------  -------------------
 2055    2.147        0  2019-04-30 12:37:12
Use verdi daemon [incr | decr] [num] to increase / decrease the amount of workers

If this is not the case, type in the terminal

verdi daemon start

to start the daemon.

4.4. Creating a new calculation

In the following, we’ll be working in the verdi shell. As you go along, feel free to keep track of your commands by copying them into a python script test_pw.py.


The verdi shell imports a number of AiiDA internals so that you as the user don’t have to. You can also make those available to a python script, by running it using

verdi run <scriptname>

Every calculation sent to a cluster is linked to a code, which describes the executable file to be used as well as some metadata. Let’s have a look at the codes already installed on your machine:

verdi code list

There should be a number of them. Here, we’re interested in the “PWscf” executable of Quantum Espresso, i.e. in codes for the quantumespresso.pw plugin:

verdi code list -P quantumespresso.pw

Pick the correct codename, that might look like, e.g. qe-6.3-pw@localhost and load it in the verdi shell.

code = load_code("<codename>")


load_code returns an object of type Code, which is the general AiiDA class for describing simulation codes.

Let’s build the inputs for a new PwCalculation (defined by the quantumespresso.pw plugin, the default plugin for the code you chose before)

builder = code.get_builder()

As the first step, assign a (short) label or a (long) description to your calculation, that you might find convenient in the future.

builder.metadata.label = "PW test"
builder.metadata.description = "My first AiiDA calc with Quantum ESPRESSO on Si"

This information will be saved in the database for later queries or inspection. Note that you can press TAB after writing builder. to see all inputs available for this calculation. In order to figure out which data type is expected for a particular input, such as builder.structure, and whether the input is optional or required, use builder.structure??.

Now, specify the number of machines (a.k.a. cluster nodes) you are going to run on and the maximum time allowed for the calculation. The general options grouped under builder.metadata.options are independent of the code or plugin, and will be passed to the scheduler that handles the queue on your compute resource .

builder.metadata.options.resources = {'num_machines': 1}
builder.metadata.options.max_wallclock_seconds = 30 * 60

Again, to see the list of available options, type builder.metadata.options. and hit the TAB button.

4.4.1. Preparation of inputs

A Quantum Espresso calculation needs a number of inputs:

  1. Pseudopotentials

  2. a structure

  3. a mesh in reciprocal space (k-points)

  4. a number of input parameters

These are mirrored in the inputs of the aiida-quantumespresso plugin (see documentation). We’ll start with the structure, k-points, and pseudopotentials and leave the input parameters as the last thing to setup.


Use what you learned in the previous section to load the structure and kpoints inputs for your calculation:

  • Use a silicon crystal structure

  • Define a 2x2x2 mesh of k-points.

Note: If you just copy and paste code that you executed previously, this may result in duplication of information on your database. In fact, you can re-use an existing structure stored in your database 1. Use a combination of the bash command verdi data structure list and of the shell command load_node() to get an object representing the structure created earlier.

4.4.2. Attaching the input information to the calculation

Once you’ve created a structure node and a kpoints node, attach it to the calculation:

builder.structure = structure
builder.kpoints = kpoints


The builder accepts both stored and unstored data nodes. AiiDA will take care of storing the unstored nodes upon submission. If you decide not to submit, nothing will be stored in the database.

PWscf also needs information on the pseudopotentials, in the form of a dictionary, where keys are the names of the elements and the values are the corresponding UpfData objects containing the information on the pseudopotential. However, instead of creating the dictionary by hand, we can use a helper function that picks the right pseudopotentials for our structure from a pseudopotential family. You can list the preconfigured families from the command line:

verdi data upf listfamilies

Pick the one you configured earlier (or one of the SSSP families that we provide) and link it to the calculation using the command:

from aiida.orm.nodes.data.upf import get_pseudos_from_structure
builder.pseudos = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, '<PSEUDO_FAMILY_NAME>')

Print the content of the pseudos namespace (print(builder.pseudos)) to see what the helper function created.

4.4.3. Preparing and debugging input parameters

Finally, we need to specify a number of input parameters (i.e. plane wave cutoffs, convergence thresholds, etc.). to launch the Quantum ESPRESSO calculation. The structure of the parameter dictionary closely follows the structure of the PWscf input file.

Since these are often the parameters to tune in a calculation, let’s introduce a few mistakes intentionally and use this part of the tutorial to learn how to debug problems.

Define a set of input parameters for Quantum ESPRESSO, preparing a dictionary of the form:

parameters_dict = {
    'CONTROL': {
        'calculation': 'scf',
        'tstress': True,
        'tprnfor': True,
    'SYSTEM': {
        'ecutwfc': 30.,
        'ecutrho': 200.,
        'mickeymouse': 240.,
    'ELECTRONS': {
        'conv_thr': 1.e-8,

This dictionary is almost a valid input for the Quantum ESPRESSO plugin, except for an invalid key mickeymouse. When Quantum ESPRESSO receives an unrecognized key, it will stop. By default, the AiiDA plugin will not validate your input and simply pass it on to the code.

Let’s wrap the parameters_dict python dictionary in an AiiDA Dict node and see what happens.

builder.parameters = Dict(dict=parameters_dict)

4.4.4. Simulate submission

At this stage, you have created in memory (it’s not yet stored in the database) the input of the graph shown below. The outputs will be created by the daemon later on.

In order to check which input files AiiDA creates, we can perform a dry run of the submission process. Let’s tell the builder that we want a dry run and that we don’t want to store the provenance of the dry run:

builder.metadata.dry_run = True
builder.metadata.store_provenance = False

It’s time to run:

from aiida.engine import run


Instead of using the builder, you can also simply pass the calculation class as the first argument, followed by the inputs as keyword arguments, e.g.:

run(PwCalculation, structure=structure, pseudos={'Si': pseudo_node}, ....)

The builder is simply a convenience wrapper providing tab-completion in the shell and automatic help strings.

This creates a folder of the form submit_test/[date]-0000[x] in the current directory. In your second terminal:

  • open the input file aiida.in within this folder

  • compare it to input data nodes you created earlier

  • verify that the pseudo folder contains the needed pseudopotentials

  • have a look at the submission script _aiidasubmit.sh


The files created by a dry run are only intended for inspection and cannot be used to correct the inputs of your calculation.

4.4.5. Submitting the calculation

Up to now we’ve just been playing around and our calculation has been kept in memory and not in the database. Now that we have inspected the input files and convinced ourselves that Quantum ESPRESSO will have all the information it needs to perform the calculation, we will submit the calculation properly. Doing so will make sure that all inputs are stored in the database, will run and store the calculation and link the outputs to it.

Let’s revert the following values in our builder to their defaults:

builder.metadata.dry_run = False
builder.metadata.store_provenance = True

And then rely on the submit machinery of AiiDA,

from aiida.engine import submit
calculation = submit(builder)

As soon as you have executed these lines, the calculation variable contains a PwCalculation instance, already submitted to the daemon.


You may have noticed that we used submit here instead of run. The difference is that submit will hands over the calculation to the daemon running in the background, while run will execute all tasks in the current shell.

All processes in AiiDA (you will soon get to know more) can be “launched” using one of available functions:

  • run

  • run_get_node

  • run_get_pk

  • submit

which are explained in more detail in the online documentation.

The calculation is now stored in the database and was assigned a “database primary key” or pk (calculation.pk) as well as a UUID (calculation.uuid). See the previous section for more details on these identifiers.

Note that while AiiDA will prevent you from changing the content of stored nodes, the concept of “extras” allows you to set extra attributes, e.g. as a way of labelling nodes and providing information for querying.

For example, let’s add an extra attribute called element, with value Si:

calculation.set_extra("element", "Si")

In the mean time, after you submitted your calculation, the daemon picked it up and started to: generate the input files, submit the calculation to the queue, wait for it to run and finish, retrieve the output files, parse them, store them in the database and set the state of the calculation to Finished.


If the daemon is not running, the calculation will remain in the NEW state until you start the daemon.

4.4.6. Checking the status of the calculation

You can check the calculation status from the command line:

verdi process list


Since you are running your DFT calculation directly on the VM, verdi commands can be a bit slow until the calculation finishes.

If you don’t see any calculation in the output, the calculation you submitted has already finished.

By default, the command only prints calculations that are still active 2. Let’s also list your finished calculations (and limit those only to the one created in the past day):

verdi process list -a -p1

as explained in the first section.

Similar to the dry run, we can also inspect the input files of the actual calculation:

verdi calcjob inputls <pk_number> -c

for the pk_number of your calculation. This will show the contents of the input directory (-c prints directories in color). Check the content of input files with

verdi calcjob inputcat <pk_number> | less

4.5. Troubleshooting

Your calculation should end up in a FAILED state (last column of verdi process list -a -p1), and correspondingly the error code near the “Finished” status of the State should be non-zero,

$ verdi process list -a -p1
  PK  Created    State             Process label    Process status
----  ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
  98  16h ago    Finished [115]    PwCalculation
$ # Anything but [0] after the Finished state signals a failure

This was expected, since we used an invalid key in the input parameters. Situations like this happen in real life, so AiiDA provides tools to trace back to the source of the problem and correct it.

A first way to proceed is to inspect the output file of PWscf.

verdi calcjob outputcat <pk_number> | less

This might be enough to understand the reason why the calculation failed.

AiiDA provides further tools for troubleshooting in a more compact way. For any calculation, both successful and failed, you can get a summary by:

$ verdi process show <pk_number>
Property       Value
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------
type           CalcJobNode
pk             98
uuid           4c444afd-f6e2-4896-b9ae-8cb8a5ec75c5
label          PW test
description    My first AiiDA calc with Quantum ESPRESSO on Si
ctime          2019-05-01 15:59:39.180018+00:00
mtime          2019-05-01 16:01:44.870902+00:00
process state  Finished
exit status    115
computer       [1] localhost

Inputs      PK    Type
----------  ----  -------------
    Si      50    UpfData
code        2     Code
kpoints     10    KpointsData
parameters  96    Dict
settings    97    Dict
structure   9     StructureData

Outputs          PK  Type
-------------  ----  ----------
remote_folder    99  RemoteData
retrieved       100  FolderData

Log messages
There are 2 log messages for this calculation
Run 'verdi process report 98' to see them

The last part of the output alerts you to the fact that there are some log messages waiting for you, if you run verdi process report <pk>.

Let’s now correct our input parameters dictionary by leaving out the invalid key and see if our calculation succeeds:

parameters_dict = {
    "CONTROL": {
        "calculation": "scf",
    "SYSTEM": {
        "ecutwfc": 30.,
        "ecutrho": 200.,
    "ELECTRONS": {
        "conv_thr": 1.e-6,
builder.parameters = Dict(dict=parameters_dict)
calculation = submit(builder)

If you have been using the separate script approach, modify the script to remove the faulty input and run it again with:

verdi run test_pw.py

Use verdi process list -a -p1 to verify that the calculation reaches the finished status, with exit code zero.

4.6. Using the calculation results

Now you can access the results as you have seen earlier. For example, note down the pk of the calculation so that you can load it in the verdi shell and check the total energy with the commands:

calculation = load_node(<pk>)

Besides writing input files, running the software for you, storing the output files, and connecting it all together in your provenance graph, many AiiDA plugins will parse the output of your code and make output values of interest available through an output dictionary node (as depicted in the graph above). In the case of the aiida-quantumespresso plugin this output node is available at calculation.outputs.output_parameters and you can access all the available attributes (not only the energy) using:


While the name of this output dictionary node can be chosen by the plugin, AiiDA provides the “results” shortcut calculation.res that plugin developers can use to provide what they consider the result of the calculation.



In order to avoid duplication of KpointsData, you would first need to learn how to query the database, therefore we will ignore this issue for now.


A process is considered active if it is either Created, Running or Waiting. If a process is no longer active, but terminated, it will have a state Finished, Killed or Excepted.