2019, ISSP University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan

Related resources

Virtual Machine

Quantum Mobile (ISSP special)

python packages

aiida-core 1.0.1, aiida-quantumespresso 3.0.0a5, aiidalab 19.11.0a2


Quantum Espresso 6.4.1

These are the hands-on materials from the 2-day AiiDA tutorial Workshop on Writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science using AiiDA from December 19-20, 2019.

Participants of the tutorial use the Quantum Mobile VirtualBox virtual machine (VM) image linked above on their own computer. The image already contains all the required software. This VM image can be imported from the GUI interface of VirtualBox by “File => Import Appliance” or from the Virtualbox window “[Tools] => [Import]”.


The Workshop on Writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science using AiiDA was made possible by support from ISSP Univ. Tokyo, MARVEL, and kindly hosted by ISSP Univ. Tokyo.

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