7. Introduction: Pseudopotential families

The procedure of attaching a pseudopotential file to each atomic species can easily become tedious. In many situations, you will not produce a different pseudopotential file for every calculation you perform; most likely, when you start a project you will stick to a pseudopotential file that is adequate for what you need. Furthermore, in a high-throughput calculation, you will like to do calculations over several elements while keeping the same functional. That is also part of the reason why there are several projects (like the PSLibrary or GBRV to name a few), that intend to develop a set of pseudopotentials that covers most of the periodic table for different functionals.

For this reason we introduced the concept of pseudopotential families. Each family is a set of pseudopotentials that are grouped together in a special type of AiiDA Group of nodes. Within each family, at most one pseudopotential can be present for a given chemical element.

A pseudopotential family does not necessarily have to cover the whole periodic table. This means that you can create a pseudopotential family containing only the pseudopotentials for a few elements that you are interested in.


In principle, you can group different kinds of pseudopotentials into the same family. It is your responsibility to group only those with the same type, or obtained using the same functionals, approximations and / or levels of theory.

8. Creating a pseudopotential family


The following commands are specific to the Quantum ESPRESSO interface. For interfaces to other codes, please refer to the respective plugin documentation.

In the following, we will create a pseudopotential family. First, you need to collect the pseudopotential files which should go into the family in a single folder – we’ll call it path/to/folder. You can then add the family to the AiiDA database with verdi:

verdi data upf uploadfamily path/to/folder name_of_the_family "some description for your convenience"

where name_of_the_family should be a unique name for the family, and the final parameter is a string that is set in the description field of the group.

If the a pseudopotential family with the same name_of_the_family exists already, the pseudopotentials in the folder will be added to the existing group. The code will raise an error if you try to add two (different) pseudopotentials for the same element.

After the upload (which may take some seconds, so please be patient) the pseudopotential family will be ready for use.


If you upload pseudopotentials which are already present in your database, AiiDA will use the existing UPFData node instead of creating a duplicate one. You can use the optional flag --stop-if-existing to instead abort (without changing anything in the database) if an existing pseudopotential is found.

9. Getting the list of existing families

To see which pseudopotential families already exist in the database, type

$ verdi data upf listfamilies

Add a -d (or --with-description) flag if you also want to read the description of each family.

You can also filter the groups to get only a list of those containing a given set of elements using the -e option. For instance, if you want to get only the families containing the elements Ba, Ti and O, use

$ verdi data upf listfamilies -e Ba Ti O

For more information on the command line options, type

$ verdi data upf listfamilies -h

10. Manually adding pseudopotentials

If you do not want to use pseudopotentials from a family, it is also possible to manually add them to the database (even though we discourage this in general).

A possible way of doing it is the following: we start by creating a list of pseudopotential filenames that we need to use:

raw_pseudos = [

In this simple example, we expect the pseudopotentials to be in the same folder of the script. Then, we loop over the filenames and add them to the AiiDA database. The get_or_create method checks if the pseudopotential is already in the database and either stores it, or just returns the node already present in the database. The second value returned is a boolean and tells us if the pseudopotential was already present or not.

UpfData = DataFactory('upf')
pseudos_to_use = []

for filename in raw_pseudos:
    absname = os.path.abspath(filename)
    pseudo, created = UpfData.get_or_create(absname, use_first=True)


When the pseudopotential is created, it is parsed and the elements to which it refers is stored in the database and can be accessed using the pseudo.element property, as shown above.